A Weekend Away

During Easter weekend, Emmanuel and I decided it was time for a getaway. Since it was short minute planning we pondered through ideas and decided to go camping! We love camping and hadn’t gone in quite a while. We had been wanting to go to Colorado Bend State Park a while now and thought this would be the perfect weekend to do it….that is until we looked at the weather forecast. The whole weekend it was expected to rain, which isn’t so ideal for tent camping, especially in a tent that isn’t waterproof. We called to see if they had any cabins available but seeing that it was Easter weekend, they were all booked up. We then went to plan b and decided to still go camping but this time in Abilene. Yet once again they were booked. Emmanuel then suggested that we stay at the KOA camp in Abilene.  I had never heard of KOA but I looked online and it seemed like it could be nice, so we booked it.

KOA ended up being terrific! Super clean, cute, and not too expensive. We will definitely be staying in a KOA cabin again sometime. Also, just so you know, KOA camps are all over the United States (in case you are interested.)
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We got there Thursday night after work and decided to take it easy grab something to eat and unpack.
On Friday we headed to Abilene State Park for some adventure!  We arrived around 10:30 and decided lunch would be first. We found a quiet little spot near the lake for our feast. Moses loved roaming around and having some freedom while we cooked.
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Smore’s of course were on the list!
We then went on a hike around the park.
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Moses decided to take a little swim…. or was highly encouraged/helped by Emmanuel.
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After being there around 5-6 hours we decided to head back to our cabin. When we got there it started to rain. We were quite thankful for our cabin at this point and glad we didn’t decide to risk camping in a tent. It was about dinner time so Emmanuel put some steaks on the grill…in the rain. That’s my man!
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On Saturday we decided to go to the Frontier Texas Museum. We had heard a lot of good things about it and thought we might as well check it out.
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(The toothbrush photo is for my mom since she is a dental hygienist and I knew she would appreciate it 😉  )
We enjoyed ourselves and getting to spend time together.
After the museum we decided to do a little shopping. We headed to Target, Mardel’s and Hobby Lobby (all great stores).
We truly enjoyed getting to spend time together undistracted by the hecticness and responsibilities of life. I am truly blessed with the best husband in the world!
On Sunday we had the a sunrise service with our church and other community churches. It was neat to see everyone coming together to praise the Lord.  We truly had a terrific weekend!

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